Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Pomegranate quinoa salad

Pomegranate quinoa salad

Sparkling salad!
Pomegranate is said to be good for woman's body, and quinoa is known as one of the most nutritious grains. I enjoy different textures between pomegranate and quinoa in a spoon, crunchy and pop!  


Serving for  1

4 Tbsp cooked quinoa / キノア調理ずみ……大さじ4
1 middle size pomegranate / ざくろ(中) ……1個
1/3 orange / オレンジ……1/3個
1 1/2 Tbsp lemon juice (about a half of lemon) / レモン果汁……大さじ1と1/2
1 Tbsp olive oil / オリーブオイル……大さじ1
1/3 cup parsley / パセリ……1/2カップ
Salt and pepper / 塩こしょう

1 lettuce leaf for garnish / 飾り付けのレタスの葉……1枚

Cut and peel the pomegranate in water, clean the seeds. Peel the orange and cut into each section. In a bowl, mix lemon juice, olive oil, and minced parsley. Add the pomegranate and cooked quinoa, sprinkle salt and pepper to taste, mix together. Arrange the salad on a lettuce leaf, and put the oranges on it.


Pomegranate has strong colored juice, if you get the juice on your cloth or whatever, it is difficult to remove it. Open it in some water in a bowl to avoid to splash the juice.

Just mix together! 

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Polenta bruschetta

Polenta bruschetta

I made a polenta bruschetta with almost same ingredients to the polenta casserole. It seems to be famous to use polenta instead of baguette for it. This bruschetta is quite more filling than usual bruschetta. :)


Serving for  2

200g polenta / ポレンタ……200g
1/2 romano tomato / ローマトマト……1/2個
1cm slices zucchini / ズッキーニ……1cm幅のスライス
6 pieces of olive / 輪切りオリーブ……6つ
1 basil leaf / バジルの葉……1枚
1/2 clove of garlic / にんにく……1/2片
Suitable amount of olive oil / オリーブオイル……適量
A little of parmigiano reggiano / パルミジャーノレッジャーノ……少々
A little of extra virgin olive oil / エキストラバージンオリーブオイル……少々

Cut the polenta into each 1cm wide rectangles. Heat a pan with olive oil, bake each of the both sides to make crunchy surfaces, set aside.
In the pan with olive oil, heat the minced garlic and add chopped tomato and chopped zucchini, saute lightly. Cut basil leaf thinly, put in the pan, and dress together slightly. 
Arrange the sauted vegetables and olives on the each polenta. Sprinkle extra vargin olive oil and ground parmigiano reggiano on it.


Friday, December 28, 2012

Polenta casserole

Polenta casserole

Do you know what Polenta is? Polenta comes from Italy, that traditional food is made by cornmeal. It seems to be Italian staple food or quite popular garnish. One day, I went to a grocery store at Commercial Dr with my friend. Commercial Dr is known as a little Italy in Vancouver. There are many espresso bars, pizza places, and Italian grocery stores for not only Italian, but also Canadian and people from other countries. My friend showed me a yellow food which is wrapped with vinyl and looks like a big sausage, at the grocery. I saw the polenta for the first time. She is Spanish, but she had not tried it yet too, we bought one of the prepared polentas. After few weeks later, I just remembered what I bought (I let it sat for a while:)) and started cooking!


I used polenta for the bottom of the casserole!

Serving for   4

500g prepared polenta / 調理済みポレンタ……500g

1 tbsp olive oil / オリーブオイル……大さじ1
1/3 zucchini / ズッキーニ……1/3本
1/3 onion / たまねぎ……1/3個
3 mushrooms / マッシュルーム3つ
1 clove of garlic / にんにく……1片
30g ham or bacon / ハムもしくはベーコン……30g
250ml (1cup) tomato sauce / トマトソース……250ml
10 fresh basil leaves / バジルの葉……10枚
70g cheddar cheese / チェダーチーズ……70g

Preheat a oven 400F (200), cut polenta into each slices about 1cm. Cover the bottom of a casserole  (or a gratin dish) with the slices of the polenta, bake it for 15minutes in the oven.
Heat a pan with olive oil, saute sliced mushrooms and sliced onion until become golden brown, set aside. In the same pan, saute 5mm sliced zucchini lightly. Remove the polenta from the oven, heat down the oven to 340F (170). Place the mushrooms and onion on the polenta, and place zucchini on it. Fill up the space evenly on zucchini with tomato sauce, layer ham and basil leaves. Put cheddar cheese on the top. Bake it in the oven for 25minutes until the surface becomes golden brown.

オーブンを200℃ (400F )に予熱しておく。ポレンタを約1cmにスライスする。キャセロール、もしくはグラタン皿の底にポレンタを敷き詰め、オーブンで約15分焼く。
フライパンでオリーブオイルを熱し、スライスしたマッシュルームと玉ねぎをきつね色になるまで炒める。それらが終わったら皿に取り出しておき、同じフライパンで約5mmにスライスしたズッキーニも軽く炒める。オーブンから取り出したポレンタの上に、炒めたマッシュルームと玉ねぎ、さらにその上にズッキーニを重ねる。オーブンを170℃ (340F)に下げておく。ズッキーニの隙間を埋めるように、平らにトマトソースを流し込み、ハムとバジルをのせたら一番上にチェダーチーズをのせて、オーブンで17025分、表面がきつね色になったら出来上がり。

This time I didn't use salt, because the polenta contains salt, also tomato sauce and cheddar cheese make it a bit salty. It's up to you if you add salt or pepper.


Saturday, November 24, 2012

Pumpkin pudding

Easy Peasy Pumpkin Pudding

4th October, it is an ever-unforgettable day for EPPP! ( That's our 3 piece band name:)) Mayu, one of band member, told me that the next day must be Hiromi's birthday! (another one of band member)! So we started to plan a surprise birthday for Hiromi, and I made pumpkin puddings. In the day, Mayu and Hiromi were shopping at a sports wear shop, and I was waiting for them in front of the shop with pumpkin puddings, as I contacted with Mayu to see the best timing for surprise. Finally they were coming out from the shop, and Mayu and I started singing "Happy Birthday to you~♪" to Hiromi, we expected to hers surprising face. 
Yes, she was surprised! but she said......" Whose birthday is it?"  
wow! All we surprised about that, whose birthday do we celebrate?   haha  It was just Mayu's misunderstanding. And we were laughing a lot and spent happy time together with pumpkin puddings. We decided to name "Easy Peasy Pumpkin Pudding" after this memorable moment. I love my lovely and easy going band members:)))

OMG!!みんなびっくり、一体私たちは誰の誕生日を祝っているんだろう?それはおっちょこちょいなMayuちゃんの勘違いだったんだけど、すごくおかしくて、いっぱい笑って楽しかった。道ばたでかぼちゃプリンを食べて、その日が結成日、バンド名を「Easy Peasy Pumpkin Pudding」にすることにした。ゆる〜い感じのみんなが大好き:))

This is a kabocha squash which is the most popular squash in Japan.

Serving for  10

Net weight 400g kabocha squash / かぼちゃ……正味400g
80g golden sugar / ブラウンシュガー……80g
4 eggs / 卵……4個
500ml soy milk / 豆乳……500ml
100ml milk / 牛乳……100ml
1 tsp cinnamon / シナモン……小さじ1
1/4 tsp nutmeg / ナツメグ……小さじ1/4

For caramel sauce / カラメル

80g golden sugar / ブラウンシュガー……80g
30ml water / 水……30ml
20ml hot water / 熱湯……20ml

 Be careful to cut off the hard shell!

Preheat a oven 170℃. Cut off the kabocha squash into bite-size, steam until soft. Peel and mush. In a blender or a food processor, mix the mush squash, golden sugar, eggs, soy milk, and spices until smooth. To make caramel sauce, heat a milk pan with golden sugar and water. After the color changed brown, add hot water to stop burning. Then, pour in a casserole and the pudding mixture on it. Bake at 170℃ for 50 minutes in the oven.


Friday, November 23, 2012

Avocado and shrimp tagliatelle

Avocado and shrimp tagliatelle

Serving for one

60g dry tagliatelle / 乾燥タリアテッレ……60g
1/2 avocado / アボカド……1/2個
5 shrimps / エビ……5匹
1 clove of garlic / にんにく……1片
Juice of 1/2 lemon / レモン果汁……1/2個分
1tbsp olive oil / オリーブオイル……大さじ1
2tbsp tomato sauce / トマトソース……大さじ2
salt and pepper to taste / 塩こしょう……少々

Bring a large pot of salty water to a boil, and drop the dry tagliatelle. Cook until just tender, but still firm to bite (al dente). Meanwhile, cut an avocado in half lengthways, then thinly slice the half of avocado. Clean shrimps and boil until done, mix with minced garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper. Drain the boiled pasta, toss with tomato paste until it is coated evenly, then serve in a plate. Place the avocado and the shrimp marinade on it. 


Kabocha squash soup

Kabocha squash soup

I am thankful for....Happy thanks giving potluck party with lovely friends!
It was my first thanks giving in my life, we don't have thanks giving day in Japan, though we have other opportunities to respect for the elderly, labor, peace, and so on. I heard that they celebrate Thanks giving day with Turkey and pumpkin pie, here in Canada. As I was invited to thanks giving potluck party, my friend requested me to make pumpkin soup. I got a whole kabocha squash which is the most popular squash in Japan, and tried to make kabocha squash soup in the kabocha shell.


Whenever I make something with a whole squash, I struggle to cut in it. It is too hard to chop. This time, it must have been harder than as usual, because I shouldn't hurt the peel and cut in it with all my might to keep the shell shape. First, I roasted the whole kabocha squash in an oven, 170℃ for 30minutes before scoop out the fruites, though it seemed that too much time I roast it for keeping the shell shape. It must be needed to keep an eye out for how much tender it is. 


Serving for 5

A whole kabocha squash / かぼちゃ……丸一個
1/2 onion / たまねぎ……1/2個
2 cup vegetable stock / 野菜スープストック……500ml
1 tbsp butter / バター……大さじ1
2 cloves of garlic / にんにく……2片
1 tsp fresh ginger / 生姜……小さじ1 
1 tbsp turmeric / ターメリック……大さじ1
1pinch cayenne pepper / カイエンペッパー……ひとつまみ
Salt and pepper to taste / 塩こしょう……少々
2 tbsp cilantro / パクチー……大さじ2
1 cup milk / 牛乳……250ml

To make easy to scoop out the fruites, roast the whole kabocha squash in an oven, or warm up in a microwave until become soft. This time, I used the oven at 170℃ for 30minutes to make soft. Cut off the part of around the calyx, scoop out the fruites and mush, discard seeds. Mince garlic and ginger, chop cilantro, slice up the onion. 


Heat a pan with butter, saute the onion until slightly brown, add the kabocha fruites, garlic, ginger, cayenne, and turmeric. Then add vegetable stock, season with salt and pepper, stew until blended to perfection. Sprinkle cilantro. If you prefer milder soup, add milk. Arrange soup in the squash shell:) The taste is Autumn. 


Monday, November 12, 2012

Strawberry and beet mousse

Strawberry and beet mousse


I was thinking about something special for my boyfriend's birthday, I've never made kind of mousse dessert before then. Suddenly strawberry mousse came up to my mind! Isn't it amazing? Looks special! the process is so simple though. I wanted to make layers with  some different pink colors, and used beet as a bottom layer of it.


You can use whichever you like, fresh or frozen strawberries for mousse. I was keeping  strawberries into ziplock with sugar in freezer.


Serving for 6 wine glasses 

*For Beet mousse / ビーツのムース

100g beet / ビーツ……100g
20g sugar / 砂糖……20g
75ml whipping cream / ホイップクリーム……75ml
3g gelatin / 粉ゼラチン……3g

*For strawberry mousse / いちごのムース

300g strawberries / いちご……300g
70g sugar / 砂糖……70g
220ml whipping cream / ホイップクリーム……220ml
10g gelatin / ゼラチン……10g

*For strawberry gel on top / てっぺんのいちごのゼリー

70g strawberries / いちご……70g
1g gelatin / ゼラチン……1g

*For topping / トッピング

10~15strawberries / いちご……10~15個
whipping cream / ホイップクリーム

Wash beet and strawberries. Hull strawberries, peel and cut beet. For every gram of gelatin use 5gram of water to soak up the gelatin.


* beet mousse / ビーツムース

In a food processor, chop the beets until they become pureed, and place it into a bowl,  mix 2/3 of sugar from the recipe. Heat a pan or you can use a microwave to dissolve the soaked gelatin and the remaining 1/3 of sugar. Mix the beet puree and the gelatin in a bowl, set aside at room temperature.

Whip cream until soft peaks form. To make it easier to whip cream, chill a metal bowl with ice water in a separate larger bowl.

Mix the puree into the whipped cream gradually.





Pour the beet mousse into each wine glass, and keep it refrigerated until the next step.

*Strawberry mousse 

Make the strawberry mousse using the same method as the beet mousse. 


Slice strawberries to set on the beet mousse to surround the strawberry mousse with sliced strawberries, as depicted in photo below.


Pour the strawberry mousse on the beet mousse into each glass, or set the sliced strawberries on the beet mousse, then pour the strawberry mousse on it.

*Strawberry gel 

Mash strawberries in a food processor. Heat a pan, mix soaked gelatin and strawberry puree. Let cool.


Decorate the mousse with strawberries, whipped cream, and strawberry gel.