Monday, November 12, 2012

Strawberry and beet mousse

Strawberry and beet mousse


I was thinking about something special for my boyfriend's birthday, I've never made kind of mousse dessert before then. Suddenly strawberry mousse came up to my mind! Isn't it amazing? Looks special! the process is so simple though. I wanted to make layers with  some different pink colors, and used beet as a bottom layer of it.


You can use whichever you like, fresh or frozen strawberries for mousse. I was keeping  strawberries into ziplock with sugar in freezer.


Serving for 6 wine glasses 

*For Beet mousse / ビーツのムース

100g beet / ビーツ……100g
20g sugar / 砂糖……20g
75ml whipping cream / ホイップクリーム……75ml
3g gelatin / 粉ゼラチン……3g

*For strawberry mousse / いちごのムース

300g strawberries / いちご……300g
70g sugar / 砂糖……70g
220ml whipping cream / ホイップクリーム……220ml
10g gelatin / ゼラチン……10g

*For strawberry gel on top / てっぺんのいちごのゼリー

70g strawberries / いちご……70g
1g gelatin / ゼラチン……1g

*For topping / トッピング

10~15strawberries / いちご……10~15個
whipping cream / ホイップクリーム

Wash beet and strawberries. Hull strawberries, peel and cut beet. For every gram of gelatin use 5gram of water to soak up the gelatin.


* beet mousse / ビーツムース

In a food processor, chop the beets until they become pureed, and place it into a bowl,  mix 2/3 of sugar from the recipe. Heat a pan or you can use a microwave to dissolve the soaked gelatin and the remaining 1/3 of sugar. Mix the beet puree and the gelatin in a bowl, set aside at room temperature.

Whip cream until soft peaks form. To make it easier to whip cream, chill a metal bowl with ice water in a separate larger bowl.

Mix the puree into the whipped cream gradually.





Pour the beet mousse into each wine glass, and keep it refrigerated until the next step.

*Strawberry mousse 

Make the strawberry mousse using the same method as the beet mousse. 


Slice strawberries to set on the beet mousse to surround the strawberry mousse with sliced strawberries, as depicted in photo below.


Pour the strawberry mousse on the beet mousse into each glass, or set the sliced strawberries on the beet mousse, then pour the strawberry mousse on it.

*Strawberry gel 

Mash strawberries in a food processor. Heat a pan, mix soaked gelatin and strawberry puree. Let cool.


Decorate the mousse with strawberries, whipped cream, and strawberry gel.

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