Friday, November 23, 2012

Kabocha squash soup

Kabocha squash soup

I am thankful for....Happy thanks giving potluck party with lovely friends!
It was my first thanks giving in my life, we don't have thanks giving day in Japan, though we have other opportunities to respect for the elderly, labor, peace, and so on. I heard that they celebrate Thanks giving day with Turkey and pumpkin pie, here in Canada. As I was invited to thanks giving potluck party, my friend requested me to make pumpkin soup. I got a whole kabocha squash which is the most popular squash in Japan, and tried to make kabocha squash soup in the kabocha shell.


Whenever I make something with a whole squash, I struggle to cut in it. It is too hard to chop. This time, it must have been harder than as usual, because I shouldn't hurt the peel and cut in it with all my might to keep the shell shape. First, I roasted the whole kabocha squash in an oven, 170℃ for 30minutes before scoop out the fruites, though it seemed that too much time I roast it for keeping the shell shape. It must be needed to keep an eye out for how much tender it is. 


Serving for 5

A whole kabocha squash / かぼちゃ……丸一個
1/2 onion / たまねぎ……1/2個
2 cup vegetable stock / 野菜スープストック……500ml
1 tbsp butter / バター……大さじ1
2 cloves of garlic / にんにく……2片
1 tsp fresh ginger / 生姜……小さじ1 
1 tbsp turmeric / ターメリック……大さじ1
1pinch cayenne pepper / カイエンペッパー……ひとつまみ
Salt and pepper to taste / 塩こしょう……少々
2 tbsp cilantro / パクチー……大さじ2
1 cup milk / 牛乳……250ml

To make easy to scoop out the fruites, roast the whole kabocha squash in an oven, or warm up in a microwave until become soft. This time, I used the oven at 170℃ for 30minutes to make soft. Cut off the part of around the calyx, scoop out the fruites and mush, discard seeds. Mince garlic and ginger, chop cilantro, slice up the onion. 


Heat a pan with butter, saute the onion until slightly brown, add the kabocha fruites, garlic, ginger, cayenne, and turmeric. Then add vegetable stock, season with salt and pepper, stew until blended to perfection. Sprinkle cilantro. If you prefer milder soup, add milk. Arrange soup in the squash shell:) The taste is Autumn. 


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