Friday, December 28, 2012

Polenta casserole

Polenta casserole

Do you know what Polenta is? Polenta comes from Italy, that traditional food is made by cornmeal. It seems to be Italian staple food or quite popular garnish. One day, I went to a grocery store at Commercial Dr with my friend. Commercial Dr is known as a little Italy in Vancouver. There are many espresso bars, pizza places, and Italian grocery stores for not only Italian, but also Canadian and people from other countries. My friend showed me a yellow food which is wrapped with vinyl and looks like a big sausage, at the grocery. I saw the polenta for the first time. She is Spanish, but she had not tried it yet too, we bought one of the prepared polentas. After few weeks later, I just remembered what I bought (I let it sat for a while:)) and started cooking!


I used polenta for the bottom of the casserole!

Serving for   4

500g prepared polenta / 調理済みポレンタ……500g

1 tbsp olive oil / オリーブオイル……大さじ1
1/3 zucchini / ズッキーニ……1/3本
1/3 onion / たまねぎ……1/3個
3 mushrooms / マッシュルーム3つ
1 clove of garlic / にんにく……1片
30g ham or bacon / ハムもしくはベーコン……30g
250ml (1cup) tomato sauce / トマトソース……250ml
10 fresh basil leaves / バジルの葉……10枚
70g cheddar cheese / チェダーチーズ……70g

Preheat a oven 400F (200), cut polenta into each slices about 1cm. Cover the bottom of a casserole  (or a gratin dish) with the slices of the polenta, bake it for 15minutes in the oven.
Heat a pan with olive oil, saute sliced mushrooms and sliced onion until become golden brown, set aside. In the same pan, saute 5mm sliced zucchini lightly. Remove the polenta from the oven, heat down the oven to 340F (170). Place the mushrooms and onion on the polenta, and place zucchini on it. Fill up the space evenly on zucchini with tomato sauce, layer ham and basil leaves. Put cheddar cheese on the top. Bake it in the oven for 25minutes until the surface becomes golden brown.

オーブンを200℃ (400F )に予熱しておく。ポレンタを約1cmにスライスする。キャセロール、もしくはグラタン皿の底にポレンタを敷き詰め、オーブンで約15分焼く。
フライパンでオリーブオイルを熱し、スライスしたマッシュルームと玉ねぎをきつね色になるまで炒める。それらが終わったら皿に取り出しておき、同じフライパンで約5mmにスライスしたズッキーニも軽く炒める。オーブンから取り出したポレンタの上に、炒めたマッシュルームと玉ねぎ、さらにその上にズッキーニを重ねる。オーブンを170℃ (340F)に下げておく。ズッキーニの隙間を埋めるように、平らにトマトソースを流し込み、ハムとバジルをのせたら一番上にチェダーチーズをのせて、オーブンで17025分、表面がきつね色になったら出来上がり。

This time I didn't use salt, because the polenta contains salt, also tomato sauce and cheddar cheese make it a bit salty. It's up to you if you add salt or pepper.


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